What happens to dogs that don't find homes

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, April 1, 2024

American Dirus dogs are meant to be family companion dogs.

They long to be with people and human families who love them.

Not living primarily with other dogs.

And while they have good lives at Dire Wolf Project headquarters, we can’t provide the one-on-one attention they crave.

So we work hard every single day to find, not just any home, but the right home for each and every dog or puppy that is ready to depart for a new life in the arms of their new family.

But sometimes we don’t find it, despite our efforts searching around the globe for families who have what it takes to understand the love our dogs require.

And for those dogs that don’t find their forever homes, Jay and I are dedicated to providing the best space we can for them while we continue to search.

For example, our two twin girls, Mary and Meriwether…

They are two of the best dogs with their loyal and gentle spirits.

Some inquiries have come along from time to time, but that special person has yet to make a commitment to these two deserving creatures.

Each day I spend a little time snuggling with them in their cabin so they don’t forget someone cherishes them for their unique bonded souls.

I wish I could spend more time with each of them individually, but there is always so much to be done.

Your job can let you down.

Your government can let you down.

Your friends can let you down.

Heck, even your family can let you down.

But a dog will never let you down.

Their unconditional love is such a comfort when times get tough.

And so…

Hedy, Mary, and Meriwether remain in waiting until that right person comes along to claim them as their own.

And while they wait, we give them all the love we can.

It does take a great deal of money to sustain the level of support we provide for each of our dogs, including the rescue and retired kinds.

If you would like help support a waiting retired dog, please consider donating to help with their feeding and care.

When times are lean, it is always wonderful to have friends to share the burden.

The Dire Wolf Project partners with a 501(c)3 ministry of helps, Nalas Fund Benevolence, that generously gives any funds they receive to help retired or rescued American Dirus dogs.

Instructions on how to donate are provided at the link below:


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.